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For over a decade, we have educated NC health professionals and residents about lead as an environmental health hazard for young children. Those efforts were recently expanded to partner with NC DHHS to implement federal guidelines aimed at protecting pregnant women and their children from lead poisoning.

The Center for Public Engagement with Science (CPES) facilitates statewide outreach for the NC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program to increase knowledge about lead and other environmental health hazards in homes among health and childcare professionals and families in high-risk communities. We regularly co-convene the NC Lead and Healthy Homes Outreach Task Force, a network of local, state, and federal public health and housing agencies.

Program Contact

Neasha B. Graves,

Environmental Health Outreach Manager, Center for Public Engagement with Science

(919) 966-3746


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Latest CPES News

Andrew George

Well water test history must now be shared with home buyers (Environmental Factor | July 1, 2024)

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