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sheep and solar panels

Sustainability through Solar Powered Sheep

Can the sum of two things be worth more than the individual parts?  In the case of solar farms and sheep, the answer is yes. The Cornelius based company, Sun Raised Foods is doing just that, using the symbiotic relationship … Read more


Springclean: Repurposing Your Textile Waste

Over the past decade, the textile industry has received a lot of criticism for promulgating “fast fashion” – a term that neatly encapsulates the horrors of a multi trillion-dollar industry built on extractive and exploitative practices. With only 2% of … Read more

FarmShots IE Cleantech Blog

FarmShots: Making Farms More Efficient – One Shot at a Time!

FarmShots was founded in 2014 by Joshua Miller, who at the time was still in his undergraduate studies at Duke University for electrical engineering. FarmShots is headquartered in the Research Triangle Park in NC. FarmShots grew quickly and was acquired … Read more

living roof

Living Roofs Delivers on Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability

Living Roofs, Inc. (LRI) is a small company headquartered in Asheville, North Carolina that works to “bring roofs to life.” Founded in 2006, LRI holds the title as the oldest green roofing company in the region. Their team includes landscape … Read more

Black Cotton

Connecting the Community to Culture through Black Cotton

Julius Tillery is making cotton farming cool.  As a fifth-generation cotton farmer, Julius Tillery wanted to take his family’s farm and turn it into a trendy, sustainable business.  His idea? Growing cotton for the purpose of art and decor.  “We … Read more


Arbiom: Paving a New Path for Plant-Based Protein Products

Gone are the days of traditional, animal-based proteins; today, a new wave of plant-based protein prevails.  As the world’s focus on sustainability in the food industry increases, a new alternative protein source is entering the market: protein derived from wood.  … Read more

Flux Hybrid Trucks

Flux Hybrids: Bringing the Future of Electric Cars to the Present

As hybrid and electric cars continue to rise in popularity, more people are becoming environmentally conscious and realize the impact of their carbon footprint. Transportation comprises a significant amount of the carbon, in 2018, transportation comprised 28% of the United … Read more

Good Solar UNC Cleantech Startups

Good Solar: Bringing Solar to America One Community at a Time

North Carolina prides itself with its significant amount of solar power, coming in second nationally with 5.8 percent of the state’s electricity generated from solar panels. This profitable, clean energy source, used both at a residential and utility scale, holds … Read more

UNC Clean Tech Summit Energy Storage Blog

The Rise of Energy Storage: Emerging Storage Technologies Track

The panel on emerging storage technologies featured specialists in some of the most influential energy companies to date. Three key panelists included Tom Fenimore, Mark Johnson, and Fabio Albano. Tom Fenimore is a Business Development Manager with Distributed Energy Technologies … Read more


How Microgrid Labs is Electrifying Fleets

Narayanan Sankar, co-founder and chief operating officer of Microgrid Labs, was one of the panelists at the Clean Tech Summit in February. He spoke about electric vehicles and what Microgrid Labs is doing regarding fleet electrification. Microgrid Labs is a … Read more