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Battery with lines to represent power generation for UNC Cleantech Summit blog post topic

Navigating the Landscape of Energy Storage Markets with Dmitri Moundous

To facilitate the transition towards a zero-carbon future with increased reliance on renewable energy sources, the adoption of energy storage is imperative. Its cost-competitive nature and its capability to balance grid requirements as a dispatchable resource make it a key … Read more

A view of Oxford during the UNC Burch Cleantech Europe trip.

Carbon Capture and Management During Burch Cleantech Europe Trip

The Honors Carolina Burch Sustainability Seminar has officially made it to our final week in Europe. With the past three weeks focused primarily on renewable energy and clean technology, we traveled to Oxford to spend our last company visit with … Read more

Students watched the interview with Naked Energy during the UNC Burch Cleantech Europe trip.

How Undaunted Helps European Companies Accelerate

Thursday marked the second to last day for the Burch group, and it did not disappoint! In the morning we visited Undaunted, a company that supports innovations to mitigate climate change through knowledge exchange and collaboration. Undaunted’s core focus is … Read more

Process of green hydrogen by Matt White during UNC Burch Cleantech Europe trip

Green Hydrogen and Sustainability as the Future of Design

The day began with students gathered in the UNC Winston House with coffee in hand. The morning was dedicated to working on a challenging case study paper. We bounced ideas off one another, allowing us to think critically and approach … Read more

Presentation with Oekogeno’s Thomas Baver

Cleantech Innovations in Freiburg Germany

Today I started the day bright and early, going out for a morning walk around the city of Freiburg. The streets were quiet and vendors for the farmer’s market were beginning to set up their booths outside the Freiburg Minister. … Read more

BlueCity, a circular economy incubator, and an innovation hub

Rotterdam, Netherlands: Burch Tackles Resilience in Action

Students in the UNC Burch Sustainability program have learned one main concept from this day: how to move cities forward in a sustainable and resilient way. We feel as though we could conquer anything and it has only been the … Read more

The Centraal railway station, Rotterdam

Rotterdam: Dynamic Designs and Public Spaces

Stepping off the night train from Freiburg to Rotterdam, anticipation ran through my veins. Rotterdam is a city in the Netherlands that has gained recognition for its urban landscape and sustainable architecture. After dropping off the luggage at the hostel, … Read more

Chris Castro

Cleantech Game Changer: Chris Castro, Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Energy

Where you bank matters, because who you let invest your capital can determine our collective future. Chris Castro has dedicated his entire career to advancing sustainability and clean technology. From founding IDEAS For Us, a student organization turned global NGO … Read more

Rootop solar in Germany

Rural Communities and Renewable Energy in Southwest Germany

After a long day of exploring the rural German countryside, there’s much to take away apart from how freaking cute 1-week old cows are. Our group’s thoughts about rural communities went from farming and conservatism to sustainable innovation and the … Read more

Fraunhofer ISE applied research center

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy: Burch Cleantech Europe Tour

Today’s agenda centered around our visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy (ISE), the largest solar research institute in Europe. Our visit started with a presentation from Professor Dr. Bruno Burger discussing pathways to a climate-neutral energy system focusing … Read more