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electric vehicle

Ending Range Anxiety

Marcy Bauer, senior vice president of program delivery for Evgo joined our IE Cleantech Corner webinar series for “Ending Range Anxiety.” During this webinar, she shared current trends impacting the adoption and accessibility of electric vehicles and charging stations with … Read more

Earth Day

Earth Day is Every Day

One of the most frustrating parts of environmentalism, in my opinion, is the tendency for portrayal as a movement for a specific subset of people. In hearing the term “environmentalist,” it’s hard not to think of “tree huggers” or vegan … Read more

energy storage graphic

How Battery Storage is Evolving Our Electric Grid: Continuing the Conversation

On September 23, the Cleantech Corner hosted a webinar discussing “How Battery Storage is Evolving Our Electric Grid.” The conversation touched on the pressure that our current grid is facing in the evolution towards decarbonization and increased renewable energy resources. … Read more

UNC Clean Tech Summit Energy Storage Blog

The Rise of Energy Storage: Emerging Storage Technologies Track

The panel on emerging storage technologies featured specialists in some of the most influential energy companies to date. Three key panelists included Tom Fenimore, Mark Johnson, and Fabio Albano. Tom Fenimore is a Business Development Manager with Distributed Energy Technologies … Read more