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2023 Cleantech Panelist Speaker

Olivia Campbell Andersen

Policy & Market Development Manager

ABB E-mobililty


Olivia Campbell Andersen leads state public policy and market development for ABB E-mobility, the world’s leading EV charger manufacturer. Prior to joining ABB, Olivia advanced renewable electricity, heating, and EV policies as Executive Director of Renewable Energy Vermont.  Focusing on sustainability, energy, and transportation issues at all levels of government, her career also included time with former Congressional Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, and the National Wildlife Federation. Olivia earned degrees from Vermont Law School and Gettysburg College. An enthusiastic EV driver (car & lawnmower), Olivia lives on a solar-powered organic berry and flower farm with her family, 37 hens, and Rebel Great Pyr.