Troy Walton
Senior Research Associate, Carolina Drone Lab
Troy Walton is a senior research associate at the UNC Institute for the Environment’s Carolina Drone Lab. Before coming to IE, Walton partnered with UNC on a U.S. Department of Defense environmental project and has co-instructed remote sensing classes at Highlands Field Site, with the study abroad program in the Galapagos Islands, along with workshops on campus in Chapel Hill.
His research at the Institute focuses on geospatial analysis of remotely sensed data with a particular interest on supervised classifications of aerial photography.
Walton served eight years in the United States Marine Corps as an artillery and unoccupied aircraft systems officer.
M.S. Geographic Information Science, Unity College, 2023
Post baccalaureate certificate, Geographic Information Systems, Penn State University, 2020
B.S. Aerospace Management, Eastern Kentucky University, 2009