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Anna Butler

Research Assistant
Center for Public Engagement with Science


Anna Butler started with the Center for Public Engagement with Science (CPES) in 2022 as an undergraduate intern for the YES Resilience: SEE Solutions program, helping to develop curricula and lead programming in partnership with Juntos N.C. As an intern, she also participated in the GET OUTdoors in N.C. program, helping to coordinate and lead professional development and youth programs.

Butler joined CPES full-time after graduating in May of 2023, as a part of the IDEA Learners team. She uses her analytical skills to do qualitative research on North Carolina teacher self-efficacy and knowledge of PFAS through this program, and remains involved in the YES Resilience SEE Solutions program. She enjoys the interdisciplinary nature of her work that marries her love for education, the environment and speaking Spanish.


B.A., Global Studies; B.A., English and Comparative Literature (double major), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023