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Student Profile: Caroline Hall ’17

November 17, 2016

Name: Caroline Hall
Hometown: Oak Ridge, NC
High School: Northwest Guilford High School
Major(s)/Minor(s): B.S. Environmental Sciences | Minors: Geographic Information Systems and Information Sciences
Expected Graduation: May 2017
University highlights, achievements, awards: Deans List


I chose to attend UNC because…

I chose to attend UNC because it felt like less of a campus full of students, but more like a massive extended family. Plus, UNC has programs that align with my interests and offers help in finding opportunities off campus (internships/study abroad/etc.) that further education beyond the classroom.

I became an environmental science major because…

I became an environmental science major because it has coursework pertinent to renewable energy systems, which is what I’m passionate about.  I took ENEC 201 my first semester freshman year and immediately declared my major. The professors and students within the department itself are among the most genuine, interesting, and welcoming people at UNC.

My favorite environmental studies course/professor is…

My favorite environmental studies course/professor is probably ENEC 201 with Greg Gangi because it’s what sparked my interest in environmentalism and energy systems. Additionally, Dr. Gangi has been extremely helpful throughout my undergraduate career and has helped me determine what my ultimate career goals are and how to get there

My favorite experience as an environmental studies major was…

My favorite experience as an environmental studies major was studying abroad at the Thailand field site…or the coral reef ecology class…or joining Epsilon Eta, the environmental honors fraternity. It’s hard to pick because each opportunity has taught me so much and has enabled me to meet new people and become better friends with my peers and professors. I wouldn’t trade any of these experiences for anything.

After I graduate I want to…

After I graduate I want to work in the renewable energy sector, maybe doing project management or operations/maintenance for a solar company. I just want to help and be a positive asset to the solar industry’s cause. I also want to travel more, living in Thailand made me crave adventure.