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Duke Energy grant to enhance energy education; develop leaders

March 10, 2017

Vice Chancellor for Research Terry Magnuson (left), Institute for the Environment (IE) Board of Visitors Chair Reggie Holley, and IE Director Larry Band accept a check from Duke Energy’s Amy Strecker at the UNC men’s basketball game on Feb. 18. The Institute will use these funds to develop leaders in the energy sector and offer programs to K-12 teachers, students and the general public to increase energy literacy in North Carolina and beyond.

Script shared over the PA system during the men’s basketball game on Feb. 18.

  • Joining us on the court this evening are Duke Energy and the UNC Institute for the Environment.
  • We have with us:
  • Dr. Larry Band, Director, UNC Institute for the Environment
  • Dr. Terry Magnuson, Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Mr. Reggie Holley, Chair of the UNC Institute for the Environment Board of Visitors
  • Ms. Amy Strecker, Principal Community Affairs Manager for Duke Energy
  • Duke Energy is here to present a grant for $180,000 to UNC’s Institute for the Environment.
  • Duke Energy is a longstanding partner in the Institute for the Environment’s work and this exciting grant will fund:
    • University student and faculty training,
    • scientific research and
    • outreach to North Carolina K-12 students and teachers
  • The funds will help develop a pool of students and faculty prepared to assume leadership roles in the energy sector through contributions in business, policy and scientific research.
  • The program also increases energy literacy among K-12 teachers, students and the general public through teacher professional development, summer camp and lectures.
  • Congratulations to the Institute for the Environment, and  let’s give a big thank you to Duke Energy for this outstanding investment in UNC and our energy future.