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The Carolina environmental expert listing consists of all researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill engaged in educational, research and/or community engagement activities related to environmental science and studies. They collectively make up the interdisciplinary community of environmental scholars on campus, providing a group to which students, faculty, administrators and outside organizations can turn to for expertise in environmental education, research and/or community engagement. Learn more about Carolina’s Environmental Programs.
Submit an ExpertJeff Dangl
dangl@email.unc.eduHoward Hughes Medical Institute John N. Couch Professor
Department of Biology
Julie Daniels
julie_daniels@unc.eduDepartment of Maternal and Child Health Professor
Department of Epidemiology
research, teaching, environmental justice, environment, perinatal exposure, child health, neurodevelopment, reproductive health
Patrick Davison
pdavison@email.unc.eduHussman School of Journalism and Media
documentary photojournalism, environmental issues, photojournalism
María DeGuzmán
deguzman@email.unc.eduLatina/o Studies Program Eugene H. Falk Distinguished Professor
English and Comparative Literature
ecocritism, environmental justice studies, environmental studies
Amanda DelVecchia
amanda.delvecchia@unc.eduDepartment of Geography and Environment Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Environment
freshwater ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, physical geography
Amanda DelVecchia
adelvecc@ad.unc.eduDepartment of Geography and the Environment
freshwater ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, physical geography
Jillian Dempsey
dempseyj@email.unc.eduDepartment of Chemistry Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor
Department of Chemistry
inorganic spectroscopy, solar energy conversion
Vinayak Deshpande
vinayak_deshpande@kenan-flagler.unc.eduKenan-Flagler Business School
airline industry aviation, supply-chain management, operations, game theory, incentives, inventory, logistics, product, sustainable enterprise, transportation
Joseph DeSimone
desimone@unc.eduDepartment of Chemistry
photovoltaics, solar energy, fuel cells, fluoropolymer coatings, smart nanoparticles, biological imaging, PRINTtechnology
Radhika Dhingra
rdhingra@live.unc.eduDepartment of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
psychosocial and biological pre- and co- exposures modulate air-pollution-induced adverse health effects
Elizabeth Dickinson
elizabeth_dickinson@kenan-flagler.unc.eduKenan-Flagler Business School
intercultural communication, environmental communication, gender, eco-theory and philosophy, environmental education, environmental consumerism, space, place, and landscape, epistemologies of science, politics, and economics, environmental conflict, environmental justice, ecofeminism
Francis DiGiano
fran_digiano@unc.eduDepartment of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
reexamination of infrastructures for water conveyance, water treatment, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, water reclamation, non-potable water
Theo Dingemans
tjd@unc.eduDepartment of Applied Physical Sciences
research, teaching, polymer-based materials, (nano)composites, membranes for gas separation and water desalination, photovoltaics, energy storage
Nathan Dollar
ntdollar@unc.eduCarolina Demography
population-level changes, research, plan implementation, extreme weather events
Lindsay L. Dubbs
dubbs@email.unc.eduOuter Banks Field Site Research Associate Professor
UNC Institute for the Environment
place-based environmental education, Outer Banks Field Site, marine energy, environmental impacts, Gulf Stream ecology, sargassum
Emily Eidam
eeidam@email.unc.eduDepartment of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences
research, teaching, coastal sedimentology
Melanie Elliott
melaniee@unc.eduUNC Institute for the Environment's Sustainable Carolina
sustainability, emissions, energy, water, Python, funding, capstone, intern, DEI
Michael Emch
emch@unc.eduCarolina Population Center W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor
Department of Geography and Environment W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor
Department of Epidemiology
medical geography, spatial epidemiology, GIS, remote sensing, spatial modeling
Larry Engel
larry.engel@unc.eduDepartment of Epidemiology
research, teaching, environmental and occupational epidemiology
Stephanie Engel
stephanie.engel@unc.eduDepartment of Epidemiology
environmental exposures and innate susceptibility factors on adverse pregnancy outcomes and neurodevelopmental impairment in children