2023 Cleantech Panelist Speaker
Michael Flynn
Partner and co-founderUnasys
Michael Flynn is a Chartered Engineer, Partner, and co-founder of Unasys.
He has worked in the Energy sector for over 30 years, and has help deliver over 50 major complex energy projects across the globe, from onshore and offshore Renewables to upstream and downstream Oil and Gas.
On the back of their work within the late life and decommissioning sector, Unasys was commissioned by the UK and Scottish governments through the Net Zero technology centre in Aberdeen to build the Digital North Sea.
An overarching digital representation of every facility that lies within the North Sea basin, it provides the digital tools and access to reliable “real” time information and data in a simple and intuitive format, thus allowing the operator to make the right decisions. The portal has been further developed to encompass the US East coast and Ireland.
Unasys were recently commissioned to develop the visual impact study for the Wilmington East Offshore Wind Energy area.