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2024 Cleantech Intern

Ellison Prosser is an IE Cleantech Corner Initiative intern

Ellison Prosser


Ellison Prosser is a sophomore from Charlotte, NC majoring in Environmental Studies and Public Policy with a minor in Urban Studies and Planning. She has a strong passion for the environment and its intersection with environmental justice. Ellison is interning for SolarEquity, a student led nonprofit, where they learn about ways to increase access of solar energy to low- and middle-income communities. She is currently working on the Solar Strides 5k to help fund the solarization of the Peach Apartments, which provides housing to essential university workers. Ellison serves as a general staffer in the UNC Student Government’s Department of Environmental Affairs, where she plans events and initiatives to promote sustainability, advance environmental justice, and strengthen collaboration between student environmental groups on campus. She is excited to work as an IE Cleantech Corner Initiative intern to gain knowledge from talented leaders in the clean energy sector.